Every 70 minutes an American under the age of 25 loses his or her life from gun violence. By 2015, gun violence will outrank car accidents as the leading...

Over the past few years, after every firearm-related tragedy that makes national news, cries of gun-control and reform ring out over every medium. Some even go as far as calling for the outright banning of firearms, despite the words of the Second Amendment. The numbers to back up these cries show that roughly 15,500 individuals under the age of 19 are injured by firearms...

BY TRENTON WINFORD tgwinford@bellsouth.net On April 17, the U.S. Senate voted down an amendment to a bill that would have extended background checks on firearm purchases to close a supposed loophole with gun shows. The liberal outcry that followed filled the media for days. As I read through the reactions, I noticed a few numbers and statistics that kept popping up, so...