University of Mississippi students and faculty travel to Washington, D.C., this week to accept the 2013 College Journalism Award from The Robert F. Kennedy...

Steeped in literary tradition, Ole Miss and Oxford look to support visual storytelling and independent movie making with a cinema minor and a fast growing film community. Tanner Marquis | The Daily MississippianMack-Arthur Turner Jr. Like digital filmmaking, the cinema minor is steadily making its mark on campus as one of the largest and quickest growing minors. Long gone...

Three times a year, University of Mississippi students join residents of a small community in Belize to build a road. The San Mateo Empowerment Project in Belize is one of the university’s most popular Study Abroad programs. More than 100 Ole Miss students have participated in the project since 2010, raising more than $40,000 to support the construction of the road. San...