President Obama appeared before Congress Tuesday evening to deliver a State of the Union address reaffirming his commitment to a progressive second term. As Washington remains deeply divided, the president made it clear he is prepared to bring his proposals to the American people if Republicans continue to obstruct his agenda. The middle class was once again center stage...

  WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama rolled to re-election Tuesday night, vanquishing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney despite a weak economy that plagued his first term and put a crimp in the middle class dreams of millions. In victory, he confidently promised better days ahead. Obama spoke to thousands of cheering supporters in his hometown of Chicago,...

Today is Election Day. In election years prior, the youth vote hasn’t always been much of a factor. Michael Henderson, assistant professor of political science at The University of Mississippi, said the fact that many younger voters move around a lot is to blame. “If you’re a younger American, you tend to be more mobile,” Henderson said. “Which means that if...

Election Day has arrived, and while the polls are open for voting, the work for the employees at the County Circuit Clerk’s Office is far from over. Lafayette County Circuit Clerk Baretta Mosley believes that voter turnout for this year’s election will be high. “Usually our absentee ballots are an indicator for the number of voters and our absentee numbers...

College and your 20s are when you figure out who you are. You live and learn and form your own opinions, standards and beliefs. This self-awareness should be most prominent come Election Day. Elections are when your voice is heard and your opinion matters. When you go to the polls, make sure it is your vote. Not the vote of your parents, your peers, the media or any other...

With the Republican and Democratic National Conventions officially wrapped up, many political analysts refer to the next few weeks as the figurative “home stretch” of the presidential race. Less than two months remain until the Nov. 5 election, and most major polls show President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney either neck and neck with results comfortably...