As I was traveling through Germany waiting for my study abroad program to start, I couldn’t help but notice all the monuments, memorials and museums...

Fourteenth in reading, 17th in science, 25th in math, and 17th overall. Those rankings composed America’s dismal placement in global education, according to a report published last fall by the education firm Pearson. Disappointingly, a nation that regards itself as the leader of the free world does not even rank in the top ten educational systems worldwide.  As a political...

Sociology professor Willa Johnson was given a major fellow award by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial and Museum for research this year. She will be finished with her manuscript by the end of her sabbatical this year. Willa Johnson, biblical scholar and University of Mississippi professor of sociology, was recently awarded the $32,000 Cummings Foundation Fellowship award by...

On Sept. 11, Muslims across the Middle East re- acted to a YouTube trailer for the anti-Islamic movie “In- nocence of Muslims,” pro- duced by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, by burning the U.S. flag, shouting anti-American chants and storming U.S. em- bassies in Sudan, Germany and the United Kingdom. Rather than resorting to violence in response to the video, however,...