Editorial: A plea to students

Posted on Aug 26 2015 - 9:40am by DM Staff

The editorial staff of The Daily Mississippian have long worked to forge a window into the wall of the workings of the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning Board.

Since its dismissal of our former chancellor, whose contract was terminated under murky conditions and not reinstated after exceptional public outcry, the IHL Board became a point of particular interest for all those who love the University of Mississippi and for those who seek fairness and inclusion as it regards the choice of chancellor.

Because of these events, the IHL Board has held listening sessions with the intention of allowing the student body, faculty, alumni and all those affected by the University’s long arm to voice ideas, suggestions and desires for the qualities of the new chancellor.

If the objective was accessibility, the board missed the mark.

The first listening session open to students was held in the middle of summer, when the number of students on campus was small. The second, held in Jackson the week before school started – when most students were in the transition period between home and housing – yielded a similar turnout. Those passionate enough about the University’s leadership came to hear and be heard, but they were few.

The third and final listening session for students will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday in the Inn at Ole Miss ballroom.

The editorial staff of The Daily Mississippian implore the student body to attend this listening session so that their voices may be heard and, hopefully, considered in the selection of the new leader of the University of Mississippi. This time, the number must not be small. The board must learn that there are students on this campus passionate about the University’s chancellor and about its independence.

This is not the college board’s campus. They do not walk our pathways, listen to our lectures or thrive beneath our management. They look on from the outside and make what is, at best, an educated guess as to what would be best for us.

The student body has the chance and the right to demand the proper respect from the men and women chosen to serve and represent it. The student body has the chance to submit the ideal characteristics for a chancellor that represents the University. This chance, however, is the only one for most students.

To the board, we have one request. For the sake of this campus and all that it stands for, do what you promised — listen. Take into account the concerns of this campus. If you are not working for the welfare of the students, what are you working for?