Former student to be remembered in Orlando

Posted on Oct 24 2016 - 6:03pm by DM Staff

A funeral will be held for former Ole Miss student Frank Anderson Wednesday, Nov. 2, in Orlando, Florida.

Anderson died earlier this month during his capstone year studying in Shanghai through the Ole Miss Chinese Flagship program.

His mother, Nicole Banker-Anderson, announced the arrangements on Monday.

“We look forward to seeing each of you because we’ve learned so much about Frank Newton Anderson, IV through you, and know how dear you were to him,” Banker-Anderson wrote in a Facebook post.

The service will begin at 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 2 at St. James Cathedral and is open to all of Frank’s friends and family.

After the funeral, attendees are invited to a memorial service at a separate location, which has yet to be determined.

Banker-Anderson wrote that guests are encouraged to come prepared to share stories and tributes to Anderson.

Anderson’s family has asked that in lieu of flowers, guests make donations to Global China Connection – University of Mississippi. Anderson founded Ole Miss’ chapter of the international Chinese leadership organization.