ASB to travel to Washington

Posted on Mar 21 2014 - 8:22am by Allison Slusher

ASB Vice President Morgan Gregory, center, counts senators’ votes during a meeting last semester. Photo: Thomas Graning, The Daily Mississippian.

Associated Student Body officers will travel to D.C. to meet with state representatives and senators as part of the SEC in D.C program.

SEC in D.C. is a week for which leaders from student governments in the Southeastern Conference travel to Washington, D.C. While there, they meet with their respective senators and representatives. The purpose of the week is to give students the opportunity to talk about their universities and lobby for whatever needs their universities might have.

ASB President Gregory Alston and Vice President Morgan Gregory, as well as president-elect Davis Rogers and vice president-elect Emerson George, will travel to D.C. on the university’s behalf.

Alston said he is looking forward to speaking with the congressmen and their roles in improving higher learning institutions.

“I am excited that we have the opportunity to meet with our elected officials about the importance of higher education,” Alston said. “I think this is a great opportunity for the students at each SEC school.”

Alston said the Ole Miss ASB officers will be working with the student government leaders from Mississippi State University as they meet with congressmen from Mississippi.

“Throughout the week, we, along with the group from Mississippi State University, will be meeting with Senator Roger Wicker, Senator Thad Cochran, Congressman Gregg Harper, Congressman Alan Nunnelee, Congressman Steven Palazzo and also Senator Trent Lott,” Alston said.

Gregory said she is glad the SEC student governments have the opportunity to work together and learn from one another.

“The SEC student governments have a great network together,” Gregory said. “We face many of the same issues and opportunities, so it’s always nice to get together and talk about initiatives we’ve been working on and setbacks we’ve been working through. We learn a lot from each other.”

— Allison Slusher