Get to know the Mr. and Miss Ole Miss candidates:

Posted on Sep 14 2015 - 11:57pm by Hannah Hurdle

Miss Ole Miss:

Gabriella Gonzaba:

gabriella1. Why did you decide to run for Miss Ole Miss?

I decided to run for Miss Ole Miss because, when I came here as a freshman, I didn’t know anyone. But now, three years later, I have fallen in love with these people and this school and I can’t imagine having gone anywhere else. The people I have met and friends I’ve made are so wonderful and have really given me the most amazing college experience, so I want to give back to them and the entire school through this position.

2. Why do you think the students should vote for you?

People should vote for me because I have a real passion for Ole Miss and want everyone to love it as much as I do.  As Miss Ole Miss, I will be even more able to serve the students here and help make sure they have as great an experience here as I have.

3. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I am from San Antonio, Texas.  I have three siblings and my mom is my best friend.  I am majoring in secondary social studies education and want to eventually work as an academic counselor in higher education (like Ole Miss).  I love watching Mary Kate and Ashley movies, pizza and meeting new people, especially freshmen.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your platform?

My platform all comes down to making sure that everyone has a great college experience.  I will reach out, especially to the freshmen during their acclimation, and hope to set a standard of freshman experience that goes way beyond our dreams.  My goal is for the entire campus to come together and get to know each other and show the world why we are the best school there is.

5. Which Starbucks drink best fits your personality?

Caramel mocha frappuccino, because I’m just a regular looking coffee drink with unexpected spunk.



Mary Elizabeth Kakales:

mary elizabeth


1. Why did you decide to run for Miss Ole Miss?

Since freshman year, the Miss Ole Miss has always been a leader I’ve respected and admired, and a role model who serves our community and represents the Ole Miss family inclusively. I was honored and humbled to be approached last school year by family and student leaders about the possibility of running because of the way that I have spent my time on the Ole Miss campus. I could not be more grateful for this University or the people who call it home, and the opportunity to even be a candidate has been an experience I will never forget.

2. Why do you think the students should vote for you?

I am passionate about this campus and community, and like the University, service is a huge part of who I am.  I have been honored to serve in a number of organizations like the Big Event, and I served both the Columns Society and Lambda Sigma as Community Service Chair.  I was incredibly humbled to receive the Christine Wallace Award for most hours given in service to the Columns Society and the University of Mississippi.  I would love nothing more than to continue to serve the University as your next Miss Ole Miss.

3. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

Although I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, Oxford is my second home.  My dad grew up here, and the fall weekends of my childhood were spent romping around the Grove in my Ole Miss cheerleader uniform.  Although I looked at other places to attend college, when it came time to make my decision, I knew that there is no place I would rather be.  I am incredibly passionate about education reform, and I am pursuing a degree in public policy leadership as well as minors in math, education and business in hopes of closing our educational gap.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your platform?

Personally, I am invested in closing the education gap, so I would love to partner with a nonprofit in the area to create a sustainable project for Ole Miss students.  This being said, I want to serve in the way that is best for the Ole Miss community.  I would love to hear from the campus about organizations that may be lesser known and use our time, energy, and talents to serve those that have been looked over in the past.

5. Which Starbucks drink best fits your personality?

Iced coffee, for sure.





Summer Wigley:



1. Why did you decide to run for Miss Ole Miss?

The love and dedication for the University has been present since my tenure began, but it wasn’t until an encounter back home when a woman called me, “Miss Ole Miss” to get my attention.  I’ve always been the person behind the scenes, so a campaign was a scary thought. But I realized that my love for the University was worth taking a leap of faith and indulging in this incredible adventure.

2. Why do you think the students should vote for you?

First and foremost, I highly encourage people to participate in voting no matter who he or she supports. One aspect that I’ve want to reach others is that the person who is allowed the opportunity to represent her University is a person who is representing everyone on this campus. It is my hope that people will vote for me because of who I am and how much I care for the University. It’s my heart’s desire to continue serving the University if given the opportunity to select the University’s philanthropy and serve as an ambassador.

3. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I am a psychology major from Ridgeland, Mississippi.  People always ask if I was born in the summer and yes, the rumors are true.  My birthday is in August.  Fun fact, I played the tuba for 7 years, and I am a photographer.  I also love long walks on the beach and used to be addicted to the Sims games.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your platform?

The one saying that I have said the most for everyone in my support group is to “have fun and be humble.” The Ole Miss campaigning experience is none like anything I have experienced before.  I knew going in that, regardless of the results, I would never want to forget the fun we all had, the friendships made and to still remain humble throughout the entire experience.  I told another candidate that this election is not all of us running “against each other,” yet we are all running “with each other.” Every candidate cares for our University, and has shown that through diving into this experience and his or her campus leadership and involvement. The role is in good hands no matter what, and that’s comforting to me.

5. Which Starbucks drink best fits your personality?

A venti passion tea lemonade, sweetened, add apple juice.  I promise this is delicious.


Mr. Ole Miss:


William Kneip:


1. Why did you decide to run for Mr. Ole Miss?

I decided to run for Mr. Ole Miss because of my friends and those who have supported me my entire time here at Ole Miss.  If it weren’t for them, I don’t think I would have this amazing opportunity.  I am thrilled to be able to run and hope to grow this position into more than just a community service project if elected.

2. Why do you think the students should vote for you?

I hope to earn each and every vote. Students should not vote for me because of what I say, but because of what I’ve done in the past, which will prove that I am capable of growing this position and being a voice for every single Ole Miss Rebel.  Every challenge I have faced while leading has shaped me into a stronger person and a stronger member.

3. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

Some little fun facts about myself: I’m from Mobile, Alabama and have two older siblings, and a dog that pretty much counts as a sibling.  My first Grove experience occurred before I was even 12 months old.  Needless to say, not much has changed.  I have always believed that working hard and following your values and morals will eventually lead you to where you would like to be, and that is the only way to achieve your goals.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your platform?

If given this humbling opportunity in my Ole Miss experience, I would help continue our University’s progress to ensure that each student and each student organization has a voice.  It is time for us, as students, to take care and look after one another like a true family, no matter what.  Being in a family, you are accepted no matter what you do or what you look like.  That is why I am dedicating my campaign to the Ole Miss Family Emergency Fund.  The funds raised for this emergency fund helps students here at Ole Miss.  When loved ones get sick and travel arrangements are needed but cannot be afforded, when a student loses everything in a fire, or even when a student needs a few calling cards to call Mom and Dad at home, the Ole Miss family will now be there to help them.  But I do not want this position to just stop at philanthropy.  I plan to use my remaining time here to visit with numerous student organizations and drop in on meetings to listen to their concerns and comments.  Finally, as an alumnus, I would hope to carry the title and legacy with me forever and wherever my Ole Miss experience takes me.

5. Which Starbucks drink best fits your personality?

I would say a nice, large smoothie.  It’s a little bit of everything mixed together.


Taylor Phillips:


1. Why did you decide to run for Mr. Ole Miss?

I decided to run for Mr. Ole Miss because it was another way for me to give back to this University that has given me so much.  I’m the type of person to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself, and this one was no exception.

2. Why do you think the students should vote for you?

I think people should vote for me because I’ve made a good effort to try and get to know everyone on this campus.  Through campus, community and some social involvement, I’ve spent the last three years serving this University and meeting some great people in the process.

3. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I’m from a small city in southern Indiana.  I’m an econ and finance double major with a minor in Public Policy.  Little known fact, I’m the youngest of seven, I have six older sisters.  I’m also the first person in my family to go to college.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your platform?

As Mr. Ole Miss, I’d want to promote social inclusion and community involvement.  My dream would be to see the campus come together on a daily basis, not just for specific reasons.

5. Which Starbucks drink best fits your personality?

Honestly, I just took a Buzzfeed quiz to find out, and I got an iced caramel macchiato.  I’m not a big coffee drinker, so I hope that’s a good one.


Alundis Pledge:


1. Why did you decide to run for Mr. Ole Miss?

My decision to run for Mr. Ole Miss was well planned and has always been a goal in life. Rising through grade school I decided that I would love to run for a position at Ole Miss that would allow me to be a leader as well as a symbol for the University. At that time I was not enthusiastic about the position because it was entitled ‘Mr. Colonel Reb’, a title I would have not campaigned for due to unstated reasons.  Needless to say, in 2013, it was changed to Mr. Ole Miss and I am more than thankful for that because it sounded more welcoming to other minority students like me. At that moment, I then made up in my mind I will run for Mr. Ole Miss because my opportunity to make a difference has arrived.  We see the progression here, but how does the world see the Ole Miss student body? My goal is to promote the University in a positive light continuing the forward progression as previous Chancellor Jones did and as the athletics department as well as the William Winter Institute are doing on campus today. I came to Ole Miss with a vision to make a difference and leave a legacy. Well, this is only the beginning. The students and the endless opportunities we have in the future are why I run for Mr. Ole Miss.

2. Why do you think the students should vote for you?

People should vote for me because I am a hard working rebel who loves this University. I feel that when people cast their vote in my name, it’s not for me, but it’s a representation of togetherness and willingness to continue the progression of our illustrious institution. It will indeed be an honor to show the progression of this illustrious university by electing an African-American deserving gentleman to represent our University in the upcoming year! A vote for me will simply be a vote for Ole Miss. I want to listen to the students and represent each and every individual on this campus. If elected my goal in office is to make Mr. Ole Miss the prime example of an Ole Miss gentleman while working with Miss Ole Miss to continue to present the world to Ole Miss and Ole Miss to the world.

3. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I am Alundis T. Pledge, a general studies major and business administration, recreation administration, journalism minor hailing from the oh-so-great town of Louisville, Mississippi. Being a first generation college student, and the first to attend Ole Miss, I want to help pave the way for other friends and family to come here to this great institution. I am a dependable, humble, creative and a hardworking gentleman, and I just want the Ole Miss family to know I am more than honored to have the opportunity to campaign for such a respected title. No, I am not Greek. I am not as popular, but I am a hard working Rebel. Rebels, elect me and watch me work. Of course, I have already started while being here in such a small amount of time. I have worked UM Big Event, Oxford Film Festival, Ole Miss Food Bank, basketball camps, football camps, as well as served as a mentor for two programs, become a part of the Society for Collegiate Leadership and Achievement, active in numerous organizations, and currently working in the Student Media Center to bring quality content to you. I am a Mississippi native and I understand the culture, and I am an avid Ole Miss fan. I enjoy working for athletics and just doing anything the Ole Miss way.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your platform?

My platform is entitled “Accept The PLEDGE”. When I speak of the PLEDGE, I mean the pledge of loyalty, service, and leadership to our University and University community. It all starts here, so I want every Rebel to value being an Ole Miss student and promote our University in a great light by speaking of your realistic experience to others and inviting them to campus. Secondly, commit to service, as it will open opportunities for networking as well as to meet new people, and you will also make a difference in the community. Lastly, speaking of leadership, I want to host various forums throughout the year for women and gentlemen alike providing etiquette dinners, leadership panels and professional stewardship to help every rebel know that there is a legacy for them to leave in life. I want to bring resources to campus and promote to utilize those we have here and challenge all students to become avid agents of change in this ever-changing society. My goal is to show the ropes and help you achieve the status of a well-rounded student.

5. Which Starbucks drink best fits your personality?

I would have to say chai tea latte, hot, with two shots of caramel! Of course, I am hot, and I always enjoy a cup of tea. So when you mix them together with a little sugar and coffee you get sweet, warm, smooth energy, and that’s my personality. I’m smooth, yet energetic and passionate about things that I do.


*These candidates are given in alphabetical order by last name to ward against any bias that might be inferred from order.