Trio Concert Dance gives Honors College a unique convocation

Posted on Feb 25 2016 - 8:44am by Devna Bose


Trio ConcertDance, featuring Alessandra Ferri, Herman Cornejo and Bruce Levingston, brought a full house to the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. The audience enjoyed a lively dance performance by Ferri— Italy’s prima ballerina assoluta, an honor awarded to the most talented dancers of a generation— and Cornejo, Argentinian dancer and star principal of American Ballet Theatre. The two performed along with Bruce Levingston on piano. Levingston, a celebrated pianist and recording artist, is the artist-in-residence at the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College.

The stage lights remained dimmed throughout the performance, taking the audience into a different world of music and dance. The tender dances flowed easily and allowed the two dancers to move artfully with each other. Levingston showcased his musical talent with energetic pieces on the piano as well as heartbreakingly sweet ones. Cornejo and Ferri moved with skill and grace as they leaped about on the stage throughout the night, captivating the audience with every step.

The Ford Center stage served as a simple backdrop, and the lights glowed brightly and dimmed throughout the performance.The lighting played a huge part in the program. Between transitions, the Ford Center was pitch black, except for a small portion of the piano. At the beginning of each dance, the stage lights would slowly glow a little more brightly until the outline of the dancers could be seen. This allowed for the audience to become wholly engrossed in what was developing on stage.

The costumes were modest, drawing the audience’s attention to the music and dance itself. This being my first ballet, I was pleasantly surprised at how attentive I was throughout the night. At no point did I lose interest in the performance; in fact, at my favorite parts, I became very involved in the love story unfolding before me in dance form.


Trio ConcertDance included dances by Russell Maliphant, Fang-Yi Sheu, Stanton Welch and Demis Volpi, all acclaimed choreographers from around the globe. The program served as the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College Spring Convocation, but was also open to general admission.

Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College student and freshman Will Bartel was thoroughly impressed by the program.

“I really enjoyed the night. I felt honored to be able to watch three internationally renowned artists perform,” he said. “The best part was that I got to have this once-in-a-lifetime experience through my school, Ole Miss, in conjunction with the Honors College. It’s an amazing opportunity.”

The night was a success, and the experience was one I won’t soon forget. The three legendary artists presented a memorable evening that all in attendance enjoyed.