‘We hold these truths to be self-evident’

Posted on Sep 3 2014 - 8:53am by Brice Ashford

The freedoms that we are afforded represent balance around the world.

This past week I experienced several instances of discrimination. On the first occasion I overheard two classmates commenting on the nationality of our professor. His appearance was the primary focus, as he had yet to open his mouth. In no way did the professor look “un-American,” since “American” isn’t a look. He had copper-colored skin, and was dressed the same as any other professor would have been. The students continued to make derogatory remarks regarding the professor’s appearance, and assumed nationality.

The second occasion occurred at a party this past weekend. I was approached by an unknown individual who immediately inquired about my “nationality.” I swiftly responded, “If you’re asking about my nationality, I’m an American. If you’re asking about my ethnicity, I’m ‘black.’ Why are you asking?” His response was that I “looked Hispanic.” The topic of my nationality and or ethnicity should not be deemed relevant to a party, or anything social.

We share a dream, one of justice, tranquility, common defense, general welfare and the blessings of liberty. Generations of hardworking individuals, both free and bound, who were determined to establish a more perfect union for their fellow Americans and their posterity, set a precedence.

As the posterity of those who framed the founding documents of this country and those who placed its work upon their backs, we must continue to strive for unity.

American citizens are not defined by a single ethnicity, ideology, or religion. Instead, we are defined by all ethnicities, all ideologies and all religions (and the lack thereof). In a country that represents all things, we must not become consumed by the dividing lines.

It has come to my attention that to some people the appearance of another is still the most important component of judgment.

Our identity, as American people, is made up of many different cultures. No one should be looked down upon due to their sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion.

Instead we should all share the common bonds of America as equals. America must end its obsession with superficial factors. No one ethnicity, or background is superior to another.

We should be a lot more tolerant than we are. Those who support prejudices and other oppressive forms of belief are granted the freedom to do so. However, they are hindering growth and maturation.

We have all lived together in this country for centuries now.

Furthermore, we have lived together on this land since before the birth of this nation.

This is a proud nation that was founded on the principles of eliminating oppression. It was built upon the backs of all of its people, regardless of circumstance.

We were freed from the tyranny of an oppressive government over two hundred years ago, but we must continue to fight the tyrants of oppression that reside within our borders.

We are the faces of power. We are the faces of change. We built it together, let’s live it together.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.