Senate votes on state flag tonight

Posted on Oct 20 2015 - 9:38am by DM Staff


The Associated Student Body will vote on a resolution tonight requesting the University cease flying the Mississippi state flag on campus. Voting will occur internally within the legislative branch, meaning student senators will vote on the resolution, ASB Attorney General Loden Walker said.

The resolution was proposed by ASB senator and president of UM College Democrats Allen Coon and passed through committee. Tonight, ASB will call the resolution to the floor and invite the public to debate the legislation. After adequate debate is determined by ASB Vice President John Brahan, a motion will be called to vote on the resolution.

To pass, the resolution must meet a simple majority which comprises 50 percent of the senate plus one vote.

“Since the votes for this resolution are strictly left up to student senators, it is imperative that the student body reaches out to their representative senator voicing their concern or comment,” Walker said.

Most senators have already taken action by sending out surveys to their academic school or reaching out to their constituents personally, Walker said.

Academic director for the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation Jennifer Stollman said the vote represents ASB doing its job in discussing issues relevant to upholding its mission: the University creed and civil rights responsibilities.

“It means that our students will critically reflect on their past and the attitudes of their ancestors to decide what we mean when we say, ‘We are the University of Mississippi,’” Stollman said.

“We have been waiting for this debate for a long time now,” said ASB Vice President John Brahan. “The senators have done a great job reaching out to their constituents, and I am excited to hear their opinions voiced on the senate floor.”

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in Bryant room 209